Tying Instructions: Carey Special

1. Attach the thread a lay a thread base to the bend of the hook.
Step One
2. Tie in a Pheasant Rump feather by the tips. The tips serve as the tail which should extend less than 3/4 shank length from the bend.
Step One
3. Trim the rump feather and save it (you can use it for the hackle collar). At the base of the tail, attach the ribbing and 3-4 peacock herls by their tips.
Step One
4. Strengthen the herl by wrapping it around the thread forming a chennille.
Step One
5. Wrap the herl chennille forward to about 1-2 eyelengths behind the eye, depending upon how much hackling you prefer.
Step One
6. Reverse wind the ribbing forward with evenly spaced spiral wraps. This will help prevent herl breakage.
Step One
7. Tie is the rump hackle, again by the tip just in front of the body.
Step One
8. Wrap the hackle 1-2 times for a collar.
Step One
9. Use your thread to wrap the hackles back in a sweep. Create a head and whip finish.
Step One

©2023 Steve Schalla
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